News & Activities

Golden Brother International Launches Greenhouse Gas Inventories Ooperation

With the increasing attention of the international community to greenhouse gas emissions, the ROC government has also set corresponding measures and used the "capital amount" of enterprises as the benchmark for "inventory" and "verification" (third-party verification) requirements.


Golden Brother International is committed to fulfilling its corporate social responsibility.  Starting in 2024, we will conduct an inventory of greenhouse gas emissions tracking for the previous year and will continue to conduct an inventory of greenhouse gas emissions to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions as much as possible based on existing numerical benchmarks.  At the same time, Golden Brother also encourages all suppliers cooperating with our company to work together to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


Since Golden Brother International's operations mainly involve the related service of migrant workers, and there is no production of any products; hence, the main source of emissions will be the consumption of electricity.  The energy consumption of various living facilities used by our company will be tracked in the future while continuing to promote "energy conservation and carbon reduction" in response to the government's goal of "net zero emissions" by 2050.

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