News & Activities

Golden Brother 2023 Annual Gratitude Dinner

Golden Brother's 2023 year-end gratitude dinner was held on January 27 (Saturday) at Shuiyue Manor in Taoyuan.  With the enthusiastic participation of distinguished guests, colleagues, and their families, around 600 people attended the gratitude dinner.


Before the dinner party began, President Golden Li specifically mentioned that despite three years of pandemic and poor business conditions in 2023, there is still ongoing geopolitical and economic uncertainty in 2024.  Therefore, even though there may be a gap between the final operational results and the expected goals in 2023, the company is also continuously moving towards positive changes.  As long as colleagues are kind-hearted, constantly learning and growing, and give their all, they will be able to face challenges, turn resistance into assistance, and strive to move forward, and the results will be shared by everyone.


The theme of this banquet is "We are all champions".  We hope that every colleague can hold a good and better spirit of progress.  Regardless of the tasks assigned by the company or personal positions, they can bravely take on and achieve the best results in their positions.  Only in this way can everyone be champions and gain market recognition and acknowledgment from colleagues on the path of Golden Brother's growth.


Among senior colleagues, Chairman Peter Li personally awarded a commemorative medal to Vice President Joanne Lin, who has served for 25 years, in recognition of the contributions and achievements made by the parties involved in Golden Brother. In addition, the company would like to express its deep gratitude to all senior colleagues for investing in their youth and growing together with Golden Brother.


The gratitude banquet was held until its end amidst the cheers of the winners of various awards.  The impromptu performances of three distinguished guests and the carefully arranged repertoire by the flutists also received continuous applause from colleagues.  The chairman and President ultimately hope that everyone can meet the challenges of 2024, work hard to face uncertainty, and strive to change the status quo, ultimately becoming their own champion, the champion of the company, and the champion of the industry.

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