News & Activities

Golden Brother International Held the 2024 Quarterly Meeting in March

On March 30th (Saturday) 2024, Golden Brother International held a routine physical examination every two years in the morning and also held the quarterly meeting in the afternoon in order to share critical information with all our colleagues.


At the monthly meeting, Vice President Lee respectively promoted the content of the RBA VAP Standard 8.0 revision.  In addition to explaining the nine major changes to the VAP Standard, he also gave examples one by one and explained the aforementioned nine changes through illustrations.  Based on the Taiwan's legal requirements, Lee also briefly explained the five key themes of "gender equality", "precarious work", "worker voice and involvement", "living wages", and "access to remedy" mentioned by the RBA Chairman in RBA's annual report.  After class explanation and through the examination, Lee summarized the managerial meaning of RBA VAP Standard 8.0.


In addition, in response to the recent amendments to Article 6, Paragraph 2, Item 3 of the Occupational Safety Law regarding "unlawful infringement", sexual harassment, gender equality work, and other related laws and regulations, an "Explanation of Illegal Infringement in the Workplace" was also provided to remind all employees to adjust their emotions to avoid illegal infringement in the workplace.  In order to help colleagues better understand the actual cases and court precedents, Lee also explained the three related cases of workplace bullying in the past, as well as the court's interpretation of workplace bullying, to colleagues one by one.  At the same time, an explanation was provided for the content of the "Self-inspection checklist for workplace illegal infringement behavior".  Colleagues are requested to review their behavior to see if there are similar situations, as a basis for subsequent improvement.


Subsequently, under the topic of "Service Philosophy and Attitude towards Migrant Care", Mr. Xieli Du shared with our colleagues her personal growth process from being a dormitory coordinator to becoming an assistant vice president, as well as her experiences in leading colleagues in providing migrant services.  She also shared her personal feelings and growth with all our colleagues, highlighting the key points of his book "Making an Appointment with Success: The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People", and received unanimous recognition and recognition from our colleagues.


During this period, starting from April 1, under the leadership of President Golden Li, the "Monkey style Jogging Activity" will be promoted for a period of six months.  It is hoped that colleagues can maintain their health and vitality through healthy jogging activities.  At the same time, to reward their participation, generous bonuses will be given to colleagues based on their points as a driving force for continuous jogging.


Afterward, the awards for outstanding service satisfaction for colleagues in 2023, as well as the introduction of new colleagues who recently joined Golden Brother, were presented.  Finally, the President emphasized the key points of "continuous exercise", "promoting health", "courage to learn", and "upward growth", hoping that colleagues in Golden Brother can work happily and enjoy the fruits of their work.

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