News & Activities

Golden Brother International Promotes " Prevention Plan for Unlawful Infringements During the Performance of Duties"

In order to enable colleagues to further understand the illegal infringement in the workplace and the company's handling methods, Golden Brother International specially invited Adam Lee, the Vice President of the human resources who also took responsiblity of company legal issues, during the quarterly meeting on March 30, 2024 to go over the illegal infringement in the workplace and explain the relevant provisions of the law.


At the same time, in order to ensure that colleagues of Golden Brother International understand the company's response to illegal infringements, in accordance with the requirements of the Occupational Safety Law, Golden Brother International's "Plan for the Prevention of Unlawful Infringements in the Performance of Duties" is presented through a briefing mode.  Lee explained the key points and the corresponding responsibilities of each unit, and required each unit to conduct necessary risk assessments regularly starting this year to reduce the risks that colleagues may face.


Lecturer Lee started from the legal aspect of the Occupational Safety Law.  In addition to focusing on the relevant laws and regulations, at the end section he presented the results of illegal infringement to colleagues through three court cases, hoping that everyone should work hard to construct a "friendly workplace" rather than trying to resolve through the litigation process to solve the verbal disputes between two parties that are often caused by misunderstandings but are likely to be self-identified as illegal actions, and in the end are often unable to obtain satisfactory judgment results.


In the end, the lecturer Lee said, " Do not neglect the small good and do not neglect the small evil."  He encouraged everyone to try their best to do good deeds and abstain from doing evil things from the heart.  By doing so, in addition to avoiding lawsuits, In addition to avoiding litigation burden, it can also accumulate personal intangible blessings account.  

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