News & Activities

Golden Brother International Kaohsiung Branch Oyster Village Fishing Port Beach Cleaning Activity

On the morning of Thursday, March 28th, to maintain a clean environment and promote environmental awareness, colleagues from Golden Brother International Kaohsiung Branch, along with nearly 30 migrant workers, went to Oyster Liao Fishing Port for a beach cleaning activity.


This event was initiated by the Kaohsiung branch, led by local colleagues such as Jiayi Chen, Huizhen Zhang, Xinyi Huang, Jiawen Zhu, Shuhui Wang, etc., along with the enthusiastic participation of migrant workers such as Ison Rodelia Adelant, Misasa Richie Calind, Rosales Maria Rosa, etc., to work together to clear up the "Oyster Village Fishing Port" famous for seeing the stars and camp.


With everyone's sweat and effort, in about two hours, a total of about 20 kilograms of miscellaneous items were collected.  When everyone looks back at the cleaned Oyster Bay Beach, they have an indescribable feeling and emotion, after all, environmental protection not only leaves behind their own happy memories but also the happiness and satisfaction left for others.


After clearing the beach under the scorching sun, to express our gratitude to the friends who participated in the migration, we specially issued environmental protection certificates and souvenirs and also enjoyed ice cream together with everyone. It is hoped that more friends will participate in the next event.

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