News & Activities

Golden Brother Released GB Employee Guidebook version 3.0

With the amendment of relevant laws and regulations and in compliance with management needs, Golden Brother International has issued the third edition of the Employee Guidebook to guide colleagues in their daily operations and it also reflects the expectations of Golden Brother's upstream and downstream companies' toward the adjustments of various internal regulations.


This revision reminds all colleagues that enterprises need to maintain vigilance against crises to survive in the highly competitive. The reality of the environment will not wait for the pace of enterprise adjustment.  Many enterprises have been eliminated by the environment, and the pressure faced by enterprises will inevitably force them to make necessary decisions to survive.  At this moment when "low birthrate" and "aging" have become major national issues, whether Golden Brother can further effectively grasp the growth opportunities of the market depends on the joint efforts of all colleagues.


If a company wants to have a thousand-year ambition, it must adopt a certain degree of cadres and decisiveness, thereby abandoning old habits and responding to new environments and challenges.  Ambition comes from strength, and strength requires long-term accumulation.  Only enterprises that continuously improve and adjust their corporate culture, strategy, organization, and personnel, can they have a promising future through continuous learning, improvement, and hard work.


It is hoped that colleagues of Golden Brother will abide by their responsibilities, do what they deserve, and enhance themselves through improvement.  Only by looking forward to the future through hard work can we together make Golden Brother a company that everyone admires.

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