News & Activities

Golden Brother International Completed 2023 Greenhouse Gas Inventory

Golden Brother International started a greenhouse gas inventory in January 2024. With the assistance of a consulting company and support form UMC, the work was completed on July 1, 2024, and a "Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report" was issued.


For this inventory operation, Golden Brother selected the organizational boundary as "No. 33, Lane 486, Minghu Road, East District, Hsinchu City", which is the address of the company's Hsinchu branch, and conducted the inventory following the specifications of ISO14064-1:2018.  The "Global Warming Potential" (GWP) of greenhouse gases is based on the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group III (WGIII).  The final greenhouse inventory results of Golden Brother International in 2023 show that the total carbon dioxide equivalent value (CO2e) emitted is 2,192.902 tons.


Since Golden Brother International's business is living care services for migrant workers and does not have any production operations, based on the inventory process, the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions are "outsourced electricity" and "boilers and water heaters using fossil fuels."  In the future, Golden Brother will also work hard to reduce the number of greenhouse gas emission sources caused by use based on the inventory results, hoping to contribute to the goal of net-zero emissions.

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