News & Activities

Manager Training Courses in Sept., 2018

To upgrade the management skills and to increase the trust in interpersonal communication, GB provide a serious management training courses to staff who have willingness to learn.  The courses were conducted by senior staff with solid experience in a practical method that combined the lecturing and in-field practices. 


Courses conducted in Sept., 1 were delivered by Jane Tseng and Key Chang and the titles are “Practical skills of coaching” and “High effective reading and interviewing skills”.  The lecturers addressed on the subjects such as plan developing, staff allocation, skills training, unexpected issues handling, how to absorb and quickly use new skills, how to face the questions raised by interviewees, how to judge the fitness of the interviewees … etc.  The courses were aimed to integrate theory and practice, lecturing and exercise so as to make the courses as vivid and as useful as possible.  


In total, 27 staff from branch offices joined this training and they were also impressed by the contents.  Other courses are scheduled on the way and hope they will be helpful for staff to grow in skills and practical to their logical thinking and exercising.

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