News & Activities

Good Care Nursing House Voluntary Activity at Chanhua

In order to increase the connectivity between foreign workers and the neighborhoods located near Chanhua office.  Our staff in Chanhua work with friends and volunteers from Ya-Yuan Erhu Music Workshop, Jing Hui's loving care association, Tathagata Association to visit “Good Care Nursing House” at Chanhua to look after the elderly.  With the melodious music, special type of balloons made right on the spot, and the hot sound and vigorous dancing of the young kids, the whole activity was made a warm and Enthusiastic one for everyone.  From the hand movements and body gestures of those disabled elderly person, we can sense the enjoyment and delight were all around with us.  Golden Brother would like to address our thankfulness to all participated friends from above mentioned units and hope to have another gathering again in the near future. 

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