News & Activities

Reading Seminar in Sept., 2018

Golden Brother hosts the reading seminar on fixed period in order to promote the self-learning and continuing improvement. . The seminar was presided by staff and hence to share personal and diversified experience. This month, the seminar was hosted by Sharon Xie, Manager of Personnel Dept. on Sept., 20 (Thur.) and the topic was TA Personal Traits.  TA stands for Transactional Analysis and this psychotherapy system was developed by US psychologist Eric Berne to understand the difference of each person and thus to help them to better adapt to the society. 


In this seminar, Sharon used solid examples to demonstrate the difference of personal traits and try to help them to recognize such difference in order to communicate in a better way.  The TA analysis shows that there are couple personality patterns/shapes such as W, M, and N.  By understanding the implicit and explicit traits, staff will be able to understand themselves and other colleagues in a more considerable and understandable style .  Golden Brother hopes to promote the self-learning attitude and quick leaning skills through various topics in the reading seminar.

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