News & Activities

Manager Training Courses (2nd session) in Sept., 2018

Aim to support those who have self-development intentions to get solid progress, Golden Brother provides a series of management training courses in order to enhance their managing skills and to establish the annual targets.


The courses were conducted by senior managers in a practical method that combined lecturing and exercise.  Joanne Lin and Sharon Shieh delivered their topics named “Corresponding to RBA audits” and “Performance Management”.  The detail contents include the code of RBA, the goal planning and scheduling along with the Q&A sessions.  The courses not only implant the theories but also imbed the practical methods so as to provide a theoretical and useful combined answer to daily routines.


There were 25 staff coming from branch offices in different regions, with self-demanding attitude and answers from the lecturers, it is hope the courses can render certain help to all the participants.

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