News & Activities

Reading Seminar in Oct., 2018

The reading seminar in Oct.was held on Oct. 9 by Vivian Lin, the specialist in the document control center.  Vivien was entitled as the instructor of child painting and run her own painter workroom before joining Golden Brother; hence, she has in depth understanding of the painting style in different stage of a growing child.  In the seminar, Vivian shared with us how to distinct the painting style of a child in different stage according to Viktor Lowenfeld's theory described in the famous book: Creative and Mental Growth and how the painting reflected his/her understanding of his/her environment.  Based on Lowenfeld's theory, the development of child's painting stage can be distinguished into the follwong period: Scribbling stage, Preschematic stage, Schematic stage, Gang stage, Stage of reasoning, Crisis of adolescence.


In the end, Vivian encouraged the participants can allow their child to fully explore the ability of painting before socialization abd submerged into the environment so as to retain the good memories.

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