News & Activities

Skills Upgrading for Looking After Seniors for the JST's Handmaid

JST manpower Co. is an affiliated company of Golden Brother and focuses its business on the foreign handmaid hiring for seniors in Taiwan; therefore, JST has all needed professionals and abilities to look after the needs and expectations of a family that requires the supporting hands for the elderly or for the young kids.  


Couple days ago, JST aims at those families who have the long term care needs for their seniors and also provides the rehabilitation skills to the handmaids so as to successfully and effectively look after the elderly.  Also, it is our hope through the proper guidance and physical therapy the elderly can regain their confidence in living and slow down the illness caused by aging.  As photo indicated down below, the handmaid facilitated the senior to play with the Lego toys which is normally amused by the kids to strengthen the functions of hand-eye co-ordination.  As the elderly watched the pull down movement in sequential order of the Lego toys, the elderly can also regain the remembrance and joyfulness when they watched their kids & grandkids growing up in the past. 

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