News & Activities

2018 Year-end Party of Golden Brother International Co., Ltd.

Golden Brother hosted the year-end party on Jan. 26 (Sat.) along with the celebration of its 25th anniversary.  


The party started from the opening speech of President Golden Li by giving his warm regards and thankfulness to our customers and all the staff who had contributed so much to the company in 2018.  President also invited all department heads come on the stage toast the hardworking attitude with wines.  At same time, President hoped all our staff can enjoy a healthier and happier life in 2019.  Later on, each department performed what they prepared for weeks vividly and energetically in order to earn the big award so as to mark an end for the Dog year and to welcome the coming of Pig Year.  President encouraged all staff can pick up what the learnt last year and can have better performance in the new year.  Last but least, President hoped all managers can set themselves as the models for staff to follow and to achieve the new targets in Pig Year.  


In the joyful and gratitude atmosphere, company honored those who had served in GB for 5, 10, 15, and 20 year with a memorial plate.  Along with the extra lucky draws and the talented shows by the distinguished guests, the GB’s year end party in 2018 ended successfully and opened its arms to meet the new challenges in 2019. 

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