News & Activities

Provisional meeting of EHS Committee on Feb., 2019

To further simplify the internal processes and to provide easier checklist for the coordinators to use, the EHS committee held a provisional meeting on Feb. 21, 2019.  To address the needs of the new situation, all committee gave its consent for the following decisions.
  1. Dean Li will be the secretary for the EHS committee as the Zeor Yen was dispatched for new roles internally
  2. Liu, Yao Shun, member of EHS committee, resigned his post due to personal reasons and Yan, Bai Cheng was agreed by the committee to be the new member.
  3. The originally checklists were reduced from 10 to 4 after removing the redundancies for easier usage by the coordinators.  The EHS members need to work with the coordinators of each hall to ensure there is no safety issues.
  4. The next meeting is scheduled on March to examine the performance indexes set in 2018.
After reviewing the meeting minutes, President Golden Li and Vice Chairman requested the committee to further examine the fire safety declaration procedures and let the local staff to look after the declaration procedures directly in order to have better and strict control of the safety issues. 

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