News & Activities

The Second Term of Golden Brother Foreign Workers Volleyball Contest at Chanhua Office

To further promote the healthy activity during the vacation or holidays, Golden Brother and its affiliated companies routinely arrange various contests at appropriate timing so to let the foreign workers can release their accumulated work pressure and to earn a more healthy life. 


On May 5th (Sunday), Chanhua office of Golden Brother held “The 2nd term of Golden Brother Foreign Workers Volleyball Contest” and invited our clients’ foreign workers to participate this volleyball contest.  After the registration and fierce competition, the first place goes to GB Team of Cheng Shin main factory, the second palace goes to Black Dragon of Chung Zhuang factory, and the third place goes to Gold Dragon of Chung Zhuang factory.  The manager of GB Chanhua office, Mr. Yan, Bai Cheng honored the first three teams by givng them the Trophy, Award plates and the bonus to show his encouragement and affirmation.  Golden Brother hopes the sport activity can lift the mutual trust and interaction between local and foreign workers. 

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