News & Activities

Nomination of "Best Smile" Coordinator in Taoyuan

To facilitate bilateral communication between the coordinator and foreign workers, the coordinators of Golden Brother have tried their best to provide quality service and hope to get positive feedbacks from them in order to make needed improvement.  For meet above purpose, the dormitory management unit conducted a fair survey from June 1 to 5 to solicit the feedbacks from all foreign workers to nominate the best coordinator who serves in the front-end service counter so as to serve as a model for others to learn from.  


After the survey, Ariel Yang earned his credits and been regarded as the “Best Smile” coordinator among all others.  To encourage Mr. Yang to continue provides his quality service, AVP Xiao, Shaolin and Manager Du, Yumin particularly presented a red pocket to honor his contribution.  Also, it is hoped all staff in Golden Brother can continue their good effort and know how to improve their drawbacks or to improve the service process flow so as to lift the overall service quality and earn more credits from the foreign workers.  

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