News & Activities

Hekang Nursing Center Regulations Briefing in Shinshu by JST

JST manpower Co., Ltd, an affiliated company of Golden Brother, not only meet the homemade demand where the elderly person needs to be properly taken care of but also provide services for the nursing center where elderly person resides. On June 25 (Tue.), staff of JST went to Hekang Nursing Center located in Shinshu and shared various regulations such as working rules, dormitory guidelines, shift schedule and the care demands of the residences of the elderly person at nursing center to the foreign workers.  In this way, it is our hope that the elderly can be properly taken care of by the support of JST and the rights of the foreign workers who work in the nursing center can also be equally protected.  


If the nursing centers have requests for hiring foreign nursing person, JST will definitely put all its endeavor to provide professional and sincere service so as the traditional Chinese philosophy of “children are well cherished; the elderly are in good hand and worried-free ” can be accomplished.  

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