News & Activities

Golden Brother Kaohsiung Office Completed the Agency Service Quality Appraisal with High Recommendation

On July 2, 2019, the Kaohsiung Office of Golden Brother International Co., Ltd. has completed the agency service quality appraisal satisfactorily.  Based upon the efforts made on daily basis and the preparation works before the appraisal, the auditors gave high recommendation to Golden Brother and praised us for the quick providing documents and cooperative attitude.  Furthermore, as the presentation included the details of the corporate social responsibility items conducted in 2018 and the contents of App upgrading from GB Take to GB Serve with various functions updating and allowing more users to use the App, the auditors also give substantially praise to Golden Brother.  To outstand other industry players and to provide more excellent services in the human agency service industry, the auditors had high hopes that GB can be a customer-oriented role model for other agencies in the coming future.


As the appraisal process went well with high recommendation from the auditors, President Golden Li particularly mentioned that the staff in Kaohsiung office should insist on the following principles: “Never allowing self-relax, strive for excellence, and continue working with full heart” so as to gain solid result of self-improving and also gave his credits to honor those who supported the auditing event in these days.  

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