News & Activities

Onsite Visit by Officials of Ministry of Labor & Department of Labor, Taoyuan City Government

In order to understand the business status of the HR agencies, section chief Huang, Weicheng, Mr. Chen Senhui of Workforce Development Agency, Ministry of Labor and section chief Chen Qiumei, & section leader Qiu, Guoqin of Department of Labor, Taoyuan City Government came to visit headquarter of Golden Brother at Chungli Taoyuan in the morning on Aug. 13, 2019.  President Golden Li of Golden Brother gave a short briefing of the major historical events and those investments been made for the dormitories located at different areas in person and well communicated his ideas regarding the impact that may happen for the policy of adjusting the living standard to a higher level.


As for existing policy of adjusting the residence number for each foreign worker, Golden Brother will make all efforts to comply with it.  However, President Li also gave his personal suggestions, as a seasoned veteran in the HR agency, and the real residence status inside the companies that hired foreign workers.  Hopefully, the government authorities can take the serious issues such as lacking the lodging residences into consideration and whether the HR agencies have the capabilities to sustain the new regulations. 


Government officials were all highly impressed by the efforts made by the Golden Brother to raise the living standards of all dormitories and appreciated the in depth suggestions gave by President Li.  A group picture was taken after the meeting and all hoped we can continue making certain contributes to the local labor market.  

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