News & Activities

Water Accumulation Improvement Project of Changhua Fuxing Hall

The heavy rain in the middle and southern part of Taiwan which caused water accumulation brought up the intention of Golden Brother’s EHS committee.  After proper investigation, it is confirmed only Changhua Fuxing Hall has high tendency of getting water accumulation after heavy rains.  Hence, the EHS committee directed the staff of Fuxing Hall to take proper remedy actions by digging a bigger reservoir and wider ditches for water drainage.  


With the endeavor from the Fuxing Hall and the workers from Vietnam, the improvement project of making a dipper reservoir and wider ditches started on Sept. 1, 2019.  It is confirmed such improvement work will help to get rid of the possible drainage in the future.  President Golden Li of Golden Brother is happy to see such proactive work put by the staff and workers on their own at Changhua.  We also believed the cooperation of the staff and workers can definitely help to built a better and healthier living environment for all of us.

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