News & Activities

Donation to SOS Children’s Villages Taiwan in 2019

Carried with abundant love and caring, Dean Li, Guess Chang, and Yahwa Lin went to SOS Children’s Villages Taiwan in the afternoon on Aug. 30 (Friday) to donate a batch of material for the needs of the kids in the village.  


Miss Lo, the volunteer of SOS Children’s Village, represent the village to accept the material prepared by Golden Brother and shared the history of SOS village and the latest status to our staff.  Also, Miss Lo, on behalf of the president of SOS Mr. Chen, Zonkuei, gave her best wishes to staff of Golden Brother for their unselfish willingness to the SOS village.  At the same time, Miss Lo will welcome our staff to join them all together to make the society become a more peaceful and enjoyable one. 


SOS Children’s Village was founded on 1970 and currently its function had switched to care-taking of the abused children and who have behavioral deviation tendencies.  Children’s Village appreciates all the support and assistance given by the society and our staff are also quite moved after knowing how Dr. Hermann Gmeiner founded the Children’s Village with dedication but without any selflessness. 

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