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Golden Brother International Co., Ltd. passed RBA SVAP Audit

Golden Brother International Co., Ltd. took the RBA SVAP audit (Supplemental Validated Audit Process on Forced Labor) on 7/31/2018 and the silver status approval certification was awarded on 1/23/2019 (the received date was on 9/23/2019) and will be valid till 9/23/2019.  Golden Brother is one of the very limited H/R agent honored with such certificate.  President Golden Li gave his high credits to those staff who participated the auditing process and happily acknowledged the company could pass the RBA SVAP aduit for the first time; furthermore, for those issues need to be improved, President Li also requested those responsible staff should strive for excellence through the continuous improvement procedures.  


The RBA audits can be categorized into two types: VAP & SVAP.  The Supplemental Validated Audit Process (SVAP) is a new audit program based exclusively on identifying the risk of forced labor at an Employment Site (e.g., factory) or Labor Provider (e.g., labor agent or recruitment agency). The elements of the SVAP audit were carefully constructed to create a specialized assessment program, limited in scope to only focus on provisions related to forced labor.  The additional auditing items aimed at the following items listed in the current RBA CoC 6.0 as follows: 
A1. 自由選擇職業 (Freely Chosen Employment)
A2. 青年勞工 (Young Workers)
A5. 人道待遇 (Humane Treatment)
A6. 不歧視 (Non-Discrimination)

B7. 公共衛生和食宿 (Sanitation, Food, and Housing)

D1. 誠信經營 (Business Integrity)
D2. 無不正當收益 (No Improper Advantage)
D3. 資訊公開 (Disclosure of Information)
D4. 知識產權 (Intellectual Property)
D5. 公平交易、廣告和競爭 (Fair Business, Advertising and Competition)
D6. 身份保護及防止報復 (Protection of Identity and Non-Retaliation)
D8. 隱私 (Privacy)

E1. 公司的承諾 (Company Commitment)
E2. 管理職責與責任 (Management Accountability and Responsibility) 
E3. 法律和客戶要求 (Legal and Customer Requirements)
E4. 風險評估和風險管理 (Risk Assessment and Risk Management)
E5. 改進目標 (Improvement Objectives)
E6. 培訓 (Training)
E7. 溝通 (Communication)
E8. 員工意見、參與和申訴 (Worker Feedback, Participation and Grievance)
E9. 稽核與評估 (Audits and Assessments)
E10. 矯正措施 (Correction Action Process)
E11 文件和記錄 (Documentation and Records)
E12. 供應商責任 (Supplier Responsibility)


The RBA CoC6.0 can be found at the following webpages: 


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