News & Activities

The Revised Articles and Penalty of the “Road Traffic Management and penalty Act”

The articles related to “slow-moving vehicles” (including electric power-auxiliary bicycles) in the “Road Traffic Management and Act” were revised in May and June in 2019 and will be effective in Oct. 1, 2019.  As the revised articles will have certain impact on those who are using the electric power-auxiliary bicycles, let us cite the most relevant articles for your reference to avoid the penalties.  


Article 72:
Should a slow-moving vehicle be altered without permission, or its safety equipments such as brakes, bells, lights, or reflective devices are not kept intact and in good condition, the vehicle’s owner shall be fined NT$180 and be required to install such equipment or make corrections.

Should the electric power-auxiliary bicycles be added, removed, or altered of the original electronical controlling devices, the vehicle’s owner shall be fined NT$1,800 and be required to make corrections.

Article 72-1:
Should the speed of the electric power-auxiliary bicycles exceeds the limit of 25km/hour on the road, the driver shall be fined ranging from NT900 to 1,800.

Article 73:
Should the driver of the electric power-auxiliary bicycle does not wear the helmet, the driver shall be fined NT$300.  


Please pay special attention to the revision and the penalty accordingly.


附件檔案 :

點閱人數 : 9840