News & Activities

Golden Brother Established the GB Talks Platform for FW to Share Personal Stories

In order to let foreign workers to have a platform to share their personal stories, Golden Brother Chungli head office established a platform named GB Talks (G stands for Grateful and B stands for Blessed) on Oct. 7, 2019.  All foreign workers can use this channel and platform to share their personal stories regardless it is for dealing with longlines, adaptation of job post, handling culture difference, or facing communication difficulties without any concerns.  It is our hope that the foreign workers can leverage this platform to share with way of dealing with frustration and turn their negative thoughts into positive attitude.  Also, Golden Brother hopes this platform can be shared to all other friends who worked at overseas and use this channel to deliver their gratitude to those persons who rendered their supports in the past when time got rough.


There were more than 10 workers shared their stories on Oct, 7, 2019 and more stories, sweets or bitters, will be presented through the GB Talks platform shortly.  In the following video, some workers gave their thanks to ASE for providing the opportunity for working in Taiwan and the work gave him/her the chance to support their families financially and also gave their brother/sisters the chance to complete their education.  Some delivered their thankfulness to Golden Brother as GB provided the daily support and even medical care while they were not in healthy condition.  Here is the link for stories shared on Oct. 7, 2019 and more storied will be presented in the youtube to come.  


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