Propagation Material

The rights of pregnant migrant workers are guaranteed, and employers are not allowed to terminate the contract early on the grounds of pregnancy

The rights of pregnant migrant workers are guaranteed, and employers are not allowed to terminate the contract early on the grounds of pregnancy

If an employer discriminates against or arbitrarily dismisses a migrant worker who is pregnant and gives birth, and violates the Gender Work Equality Act and other relevant provisions, he will be punished according to law

Q: Can pregnant migrant workers take maternity leave?

Immigrant workers apply the Gender Work Equality Act, and all leave during pregnancy is the same as that of national workers

Q: Can migrant workers terminate their employment and change employers?

After the employer and the employee agree to terminate the employment relationship and the Ministry of Labor revokes the employment permit, the migrant worker can change employers or jobs. Since the employer cannot be blamed, the original employer can introduce or hire new migrant workers, and the total number of foreigners hired by manufacturing employers does not need to be included in the number of pregnancies.

If you have any questions, you can call the 1955 hotline for consultation

點閱人數 : 1903