Propagation Material

Is there a time limit for the filing of sexual harrassment complaints?

若您或周遭友人、同事有遭受到性騷擾的情況,可向 1955 專線提出申訴及求助 
▎Is there a time limit for the filing of sexual harrassment complaints?
If an individual is too scared to file an immediate sexual harassment complaint when an incident occurs, does that mean the perpetrator is not punished?
Based on the provisions of the Sexual Harassment Prevention Act, the time period for the filing of sexual harassment complaints is as follows:
If you, a friend or a colleague is a victim of sexual harassment call the 1955 hotline, file a complaint and seek assistance.
▎Apakah ada batasan waktu untuk pengajuan tuntutan kasus pelecehan seksual?
Dikarenakan merasa ketakutan pada waktu kejadian pelecehan seksual sehingga tidak segera melapor, dengan demikian apakah pelaku kejahatan bisa terlepas dari hukuman?
Berdasarkan hukum pencegahan pelecehan seksual, batasan waktu pengajuan tuntutan kasus pelecehan seksual sebagai berikut:

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