Career Learning

Rule 20 of Swanson's Unwritten Rules of Management

Cultivate the habit of boiling matters down to the simplest terms: the proverbial “elevator speech” is the best way.


Pretend that you’re got to make your case to someone in the time it takes to ride on an elevator.  Assume that you may never have this chance to make your case again.


How would you start?  How would you conclude?  What points would you emphasize?  What points would you hold in reverse, as backup?


Time is the discipline of the elevator speech.  Space is the discipline of having to put all of your key points on one 3-by-5-inch card.  Both disciplines require you to get to the point and focus on what action you’re asking for.


Often it’s best to get right to the conclusion and have your explanatory charts in reverse to address concerns or questions, if raised.  Always ask yourself: Have I made the business case?  What action do I seek?  You’d be amazed how many times presenters don’t do this. 


所謂的「電梯簡報」, elevator pitch 或 elevator speech 就是在一趟電梯極短的時間內,介紹自己或是自己的公司,並讓聽者對你產生興趣,進而決定進行商業上的往來。這是一個 networking 的好方法,但要講的有趣、精簡、易懂卻不是那麼容易。


一個好的 elevator pitch 除了需要社交手腕之外,更需要把內容嚴謹的組織起來,才能在短時間給對方深刻印象。 elevator pitch 和 sales pitch 雖然相似卻不盡相同,前者通常目標在於找合夥人、投資者;而 sales pitch 是以銷售為目標介紹產品。如果 elevator pitch 直接套用 sales pitch 的方法反而容易讓聽者喪失興趣,得到反效果!建議先寫出一個版本,再 read out loud 並修改,接著針對聽者的需求而調整內容。重點是自己要講的順,對方可不想聽到背稿一般的生硬介紹!




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