News & Activities

Golden Brother Conducted the Labor Management and EHS Meeting in Jan., 2021

Dated on Jan. 20 (Wed.), Golden Brother conducted its 4th term and 4th Labor Management Meeting and the 1st EHS meeting on Jan. 20, 2021 to go over related topics so as to promote the harmony between labor and management and to address the future directions of EHS in Golden Brother.


In labor management meeting not only reported the routine subjects such as the status quo of our staff and the overall sales; furthermore, the year-end party was also informed to be cancelled due to the epidemic concerns.  As for the year-end bonus, the meeting also carried the message given by the President Golden Li and additional benefits will be honored to the hall management unit for their hard work during the pandemic period in 2020.  In addition, as the risk of getting infected of COVID-19 due to spreading, President Li requested all staff shall keep the good habit of wearing masks, watching hands frequently and avoiding going to public areas so as to reduce the possibility of getting infected.  


In the EHS meeting, director Guess Chang took his time to share the EHS programs and training requirements in 2021 as left y previous meeting.  Later, according to the overall EHS concept promoting status in 2020 and the findings after careful risk analysis & evaluation, chairman Lee gave a briefing for the EHS directions in 2021 and urged all directors to work out their actions in each area accordingly.  Overall, the key subjects for 2021 of EHS will focus on the following five key subjects:
(1) Conduct on-site chec-up
(2) Reduce the solid waste
(3) Promote four Zero-tolerance policies
(4) Hold EHS meeting routinely
(5) Report the check-up list on time


Later on, Mr. Chang and Hwang shared the latest EHS status at Tainan office and followed by the expectation of President Golden Li for having a better EHS results in 2021. 

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