News & Activities

Golden Brother International Held the OHS Quarterly Meeting in May 2024

On the afternoon of June 20th (Thursday), Golden Brother International held a quarterly meeting on occupational safety and health for June and explained to the members the overall progress and implementation results of occupational safety and health in the second quarter of this year.


In this meeting, adjustments were made to the risk levels of each dormitory based on recent improvements, and each district was designated to complete fire drills within the scheduled schedule.  In addition, AED and CPR training for large dormitories will be evaluated separately before implementation.


In addition to regular reports from various districts, the following key issues were also specifically mentioned in this quarterly meeting:
1、 The areas that need to be adjusted and improved during the dormitory inspection process need to be listed and reported by the district supervisors within the deadline.
2、 The values of "FR, frequency of Disabling Injury Frequency Rate", "SR, Disabling Injury Severity Rate", and "FSI, Frequency-Severity Indicator" belong to the overall safety indicators of the company.  By examining the changes in these values, everyone can understand the overall safety situation of the company.
3、 Need to remind the migrant workers they need to stay alert while driving the electric vehicles and remind them to be legally licensed before they can be put on the road.
4、 When convenient, colleagues can access the internal website to review the "Health Quarterly" provided by the company.
5、 As for the prevention of illegal infringement in the workplace, the company has established regulations (please refer to internal website).  Colleagues should examine their attitudes and behaviors to avoid harming others and also avoid being harmed.


After the meeting, President Li specifically instructed that the policy of "zero tolerance for fire" should be continuously promoted to frontline employees and migrant workers.  The most important factor that endangers dormitory safety is still fire.  Therefore, the concept of fire prevention and the avoidance of unsafe actions by all staff must be deeply rooted in the hearts of all colleagues and migrant workers.

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