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Migrant Workers Need to Pay Attention to Online Transactions and Ensure Personal Rights

Since the Internet is a virtual world that does not require physical contact to communicate, it is also extremely easy for intentional criminals to use it to commit fraud.


Among them, setting up an online store and through the intermediary behavior of buying and selling may cause both the buyer and the seller to be defrauded and lose their property.  Such behavior of fraudulently obtaining property through online stores involves violating the "Crime of Obtaining Property by Fraud" of Article 339, Paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code.  The Code stipulates: " A conduct is punishable only when expressly so provided by the law at the time of its commission. This also applies to a rehabilitative measure which puts restrictions on personal freedom."  Therefore, once the crime of "obtaining property by fraud" is established, the person will be punished by law according to the seriousness of the case.


To reduce the risk of online transactions, everyone is reminded to choose a formal shopping platform with a "safe transaction mechanism" for shopping instead of using social tools without transaction protection for private transactions.  In today's era of frequent e-commerce transactions, consumers must have the concept of self-protection, and those who build e-commerce transaction platforms must also build their trading platforms in accordance with the "E-commerce Consumer Protection Guidelines" promulgated by the Consumer Protection Committee of the Executive Yuan so as to safeguard the rights and interests of buyers and sellers.

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